The Future of the Wireless Car Charger (And How It Can Save Your Life)

Let’s face it -- smart phones are a way of life. When smart phones burst onto the scene, people quickly adapted to the mobile lifestyle. Realizing that we could get more done with simple voice commands and Bluetooth connectivity, our mobile phones became more than phones. They became computers, to-do lists, reminders, and even beacons to help us locate where we parked.
Not surprisingly, the one thing about mobile phones that hasn’t changed in all these years is their battery life. We’re using the same kinds of batteries, but we’re using a lot more juice. From powering our apps to using our phones as a GPS to watching movies, we ask a lot of our mobile devices.
And now the world of wireless car charging has finally caught up.
Simple on the Outside, Powerful on the Inside
Innovative minds have already begun to look at the wireless car charger and wonder what could be done to improve it. For example, many wireless phone chargers simple sit on the console of your car. There’s nothing to attach them to unless you want them to just hang out in the cup holder. You can easily buy a mount for your phone, but it’s likely that the wireless charger won’t reach or won’t fit.
Plus, if you upgrade your phone to a different model or brand, the mount likely won’t hold it. Over time, exposure to the elements can cause the underlying glue or even the stickiest substance to melt or freeze or simply wear off, which can cause it to fall at the WORST possible times.
Another common complaint from drivers is something that we’ve complained about since cars were invented; where the heck did I park?! During busy shopping seasons, it can be impossible to find your car in a busy parking lot. To find it, you’d need to invest in a Bluetooth beacon that attaches to your vehicle, and locates it by way of an app on your phone. Yet another device that can easily find itself chilling on your car console or cup holder.
Staying Safe in the Worst Case Scenario
No one likes to think of what can happen in the worst case scenario, such as having a car accident and needing to cut yourself free from your seat belt, or being trapped in your car when the locks or window malfunctions. You need to take action, and quickly. And while there are devices that can work to shatter windows and cut through tough restraints - can you readily get to them in case of an emergency? You have to think fast and act even faster!
The good news is that the wireless car charger has recently evolved to encompass all of these things. The Safe Drive Pal by ZenLyfe is specifically designed to be something of a “Swiss Army knife” of wireless car chargers. Using its streamlined, ergonomic design, you’ll find a wealth of tools that can help you in the event of an emergency, or simply help you get more done with less time.
From the moment you open it up, you’ll notice that the Safe Drive Pal is unlike any other wireless car charger on the market. It features:
- A robust gripping system that works like a claw to grasp any area you want, tightly and completely. No more weird angles or cumbersome setups just to be able to see what you need to see. It goes where you put it. Period.
- A hug-like mobile phone grasping system that clasps the edges of your phone while holding it neatly in place and preventing slippage. The “arms” of the Safe Drive Pal won’t scratch or mar your screen and are designed to safely yet solidly hold any type of mobile phone, including Apple and Android models of all shapes and sizes.
- A USB charger built-in to the wireless system. Not all devices support wireless charging, which is why you can safely plug in a USB powered device and use the power of the Safe Drive Pal to charge it. Great for tablets and portable gaming consoles!
- Wireless charging dock effortlessly charges your phone without the need to plug in countless wires. It works quickly, efficiently and can charge your phone even while it’s on.
- Wireless charger doubles as an accident survival tool - Featuring a seat belt cutting tool, as well as a strong yet blunt object to break through and shatter glass. No one likes to think about what could go wrong in an emergency, but it’s nice to know that if one does happen, you’ll be ready.
Why just have one wireless car charger when you can own a multi-function tool that doubles as a cell phone mount, glass breakage tool, seatbelt cutter and USB charger all in one? Get the Safe Drive Pal today for $45.99. Get one for your car to protect yourself on the road, and get one for your teenage driver or aging parents so that they can stay safe wherever the road takes them!