Predict, Prevent, and Protect - How ZenLyfe Keeps You Safe

Are you concerned about safety in today's fast-paced modern world? Here at ZenLyfe, we are too. We are a team of passionate individuals in the tech industry dedicated to making people's lives not only more convenient, but also safer. Our mission is to predict, prevent, and protect.
Now, it's one thing to proclaim this, but another to prove to you how we do it. Read on for just that, step by step!
Predict: Know the risks. We started with small, common sense things, like how people are prone to losing their keys. Then we took it a step further by thinking about how often people forget where they're parked, or the fact that many don't have immediate access to emergency gear in their cars for accidents. Now, we're using our tech to predict risks; the next iteration of our app will let you easily see crime rates in areas around you or even if a dangerous event such as an armed robbery is occurring in real time nearby. Our technology -- utilizing data from authorities and UGC (user generated content), parsed with AI -- ensures that the information you get is relevant and accurate.
Prevent: Stop the risks. Where we can, we aim to circumvent many safety issues completely. With our smart tags and chargers, keep track of where your items and car are to avoid losing them in the first place. The latest version of our wireless car charger will stop charging your phone once it's full to prevent battery damage. And in the upcoming Safe Travel Pal, you can set up a motion alarm to guard the entrance to your lodgings while abroad.
Protect: Mitigate the risks. In the event of the worst, we provide you with tools to deal with the situation. Ring your tag to hear where your lost item is; cut your seatbelt with your car charger's built-in cutter in a crash; see your missing luggage tag's last known location; use your Smart Travel Pal to detect hidden cameras in your hotel rooms. The list goes on.
Prepare: Arm you with knowledge.Surprise, there's another step! Through our new blog, we will share safety tips and tricks with you, our customers, for everything from ways to reduce theft while traveling to what to do if you are caught in a shooting.
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